The 7×7 award, OR why I spend too much time reading other people’s blogs

BRACE YOURSELVES. Picco decided to write a super long post and talk in 3rd person, obviously.

The other day I was nominated for an award. Nothing much, just a Nobel prize for being totally awesome. Well, actually it’s a blogger award for being…a blogger… same thing. It’s the 7×7 Link Award and if I’ve nominated you, then you’d better nominate other people back. Or else. *sinister music playing in background*

S7V7N rules

1. Tell 7 bloggers how fantasticly amazing you think they are by linking back to your favorite post from their blog.

2. Share 7 of your own posts in accordance with the themes set out below.

3. List 7 reasons why the person who nominated you is the bomb diggity.

4. Buy me these Converse.

5. Watch this. He’s Swedish and has red hair and I’m totally obsessed with him at the moment. Um, awesome?

6. I’m sticking this everywhere. If it ends up stapled to your face, I apologize, but it’s what had to happen. That wasn’t really a rule, but I needed to tell you.

7. Help me fill out college scholarship applications. They’re taking over my life, and not in a good-Downton-Abbey-taking-over-my-life way…

Ok, I lied. Those weren’t really 7 rules. It was more like 3 rules and 4 weird demand things. Thank you for putting up with my oddness. I appreciate it.

S7V7N nominations

Holding the Future Hostage
I’m pretty sure Tia and I are twins, which explains my whole theory on being adopted. Except for the fact that I look exactly like my mom…hmmm….but anyway, this girl’s pretty amazing. If while you’re reading her posts you have slight deja vu, it’s because we write in the exact same way. She’s pretty much me, but…blonde.( Totally a compliment, by the way.) I couldn’t pick my favorite post of hers, so I ended up going with the one about Princess Bride. Because who can go wrong with Cary Elwes, the gorgeous British guy? Although he’s not so gorgeous anymore.

Adventures in a Grown-up World
This is actually a real life friend I have. Yes, I do have friends outside of the blogging world. You’re shocked, I know. She recently made the switch from Blogger to WordPress (smooth move), so she only has 2 posts as of today. Which made picking a favorite that much easier. So of course I picked the post that includes a picture I took. Duh? But seriously, Marie’s hilarious. You should all go subscribe to her blog right now. Now. NOW.

Eccentric Owl
All I’ve got to say about Mara is that her clothes are amazing, her new beau is amazing, and when I’m not pretending that I’m Maggie Smith, I pretend I’m Mara. Again, totally a compliment. My compliments always come out sounding non-complimentary and slightly creepy.

Gluten-free Girl
Every person with Celiac should look at Shauna’s blog, Gluten-free Girl and the Chef. I don’t know how this woman makes gluten-free food look so delicious. Sometimes if her posts get too long (I seriously have no attention span lately), I just admire her amazing food pictures and wish that all of the food was in my stomach. Yum.

Amy Bites
Um yeah, I love this blog. Her food is always amazing, she’s healthy (something I really need to work on), and at the top of the blog there is a picture of a brownie. I’m sold.

My Sweet Creations
My favorite part about this blog? Pretty much every post is about desserts. Oh, and all of her cooking utensils are the same shade of aqua and it’s totally cool. And I think she loves food almost as much as I do. Almost.

I Married an Irish Farmer
And last, a lovely lady by the name of Imen McDonnell who, like the name of the blog says, married an Irish farmer. Automatically makes her super awesome. All of her food looks amazing and she is pretty much amazing and she lives in Ireland and I don’t stalk her I promise.

S7V7N of my own

1. Most Beautiful Piece: Artsy Fartsy– You have no idea how cool I looked walking around the art fair with my (mom’s) camera. But the art was more beautiful than I was. If that’s even possible.

2. Most Helpful: Gluten-free Butterbeer Cupcakes– This is the post I always link back to when I talk about the gluten-free brown rice flour I use. I need to make these cupcakes again since they’re made with cream soda and they are DELICIOUS. Totes delish as cool people say. Right…?

3. Most Popular: Presto French Fry Cutter, Je T’Adore– Second to the gummy worm post you’ll read about in like 17 seconds, this is my most popular post. Why? No clue.

4. Most Surprisingly Successful: Marooned On a Desert Island? No worries! There Will Be Gummy Worms– This post has gotten 1,535 views. My blog stats tell me that people find this post by typing in “gummy worms” and “worms”. Ok then.

5. Most Controversial: What’s Better Than British Dramas? Brownies. Duh.– I made the stupid mistake of announcing my distaste of Matthew from Downton Abbey in this post and I’ve regretted it ever since. I can’t tell you how many people have come up to me demanding I tell them why I don’t like Matthew. And then they throw javelins and small dogs at my head… I think. I can’t remember. There’s no space in my brain to remember facts like that since it’s chock full of guilty feelings because I don’t like nasty Matthew “Intense Stare” Crawley. Sorry guys :(

6. Most Underrated: Who Wants To Hear About My Fat Dog? *awkward silence*– Not only do I talk about my obese dog, but the chicken nuggets I made were ahhhh-mazing. I’m proud of this post. Go read it. Go. The end.

7. Most Pride Worthy: “You Are What You Eat.” That’s Funny, I Don’t Remember Eating a Legend- I ate broccoli, people. Get excited.

S7V7N reasons Bethie is the bomb diggity

1. She adores Downton Abbey. Do there even need to be any more reasons?

2. She’s totally ok with me getting all my worldly information from Damian McGinty’s twitter.

3. Read this. Enough said.

4. She adores Downton Abbey

5. On her bucket list, she wants to ride an elephant through a jungle. I’m pretty sure if I had a bucket list, that would be at the top. Seriously.

6. According to her about page, she answers people with song lyrics. Um, I do that all the time. That and quotes from random obscure 1950’s movies that no one has ever seen. Like On the Waterfront. Why does no one else love that movie as much as I do?!


And now I kind of want to start a bucket list.

10 thoughts on “The 7×7 award, OR why I spend too much time reading other people’s blogs

  1. Girl, you are the! haha thanks for mentioning me! I loved that Princess Bride post….though it was totally random…but yeah. ;) You’re the bestest! I still really really really really really (really?) need to get together with you. really. ;)


  2. Haha thanks! I’m probably going to wait a few days because I only have three posts at the moment. Urgh awko taco.

    Yes! My plan to make you obsessed with Erik Hassle is working! Muahahah

  3. 1. I love that you pretend to be Maggie Smith. Maggie Smith is AWESOME. And she is also the mother of Toby Stephens, who is the best Mr. Rochester ever, which makes her even MORE awesome.
    2. Now I feel like a celebrity, because you pretend to be me. And I didn’t find that creepy at all. It just made me giggle.
    3. I love Downton Abbey, but I don’t like Matthew, either! His face is weird. And he reminds me of a squintier, more pinch-faced version of Cary Elwes, which is not a good thing. (I like Cary, though.)
    4. I may or may not actually get around to doing this, because I am a procrastinator and also I’m just… y’know… slow. But I will try!
    5. You made me laugh again.
    That is all.

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